User Agreement

Using the User Agreement, the users can first see your agreement before registering an account in your app.

For now, the User Agreement feature is only available for the Android apps.
In order to enable this feature, your app needs to be at least at version 3.6.0.x

User Agreement for mobile apps by MobiRoller

To activate the User Agreement feature, go to Manage > Login on the left side menu of your dashboard. Here, you need to enable the options of Enable Login and User Agreement.

Once you have done that, a new field called User Agreement Page Link will appear on the page. Enter the URL of the agreement you have created to this new field.

You need to create your User Agreement externally, and provide its link here. It is not possible to create your agreement on the MobiRoller dashboard.

Once you go through these steps, you User Agreement feature becomes active in your app.

If you have completed them correctly, but are still getting error messages, reach us out at with a screenshot of the error. We will inspect the issue and solve it as quickly as possible.