Google Play Store does not allow requesting permissions from users for permissions that are not actively used within the app.
To help you manage your apps in accordance with this rule set by Google, we have introduced an update that allows you to manage “Dynamic Permissions.” Now, you can define ‘Dynamic Permissions’ for your APK and AAB files and publish your app on the Google Play Store with the permissions you have chosen. Let’s define what “Dynamic Permissions” is for those who are not familiar.
Dynamic Permissions are defined as permissions such as location, storage, camera, and microphone that should either be included or excluded from the APK files based on the content scope of your app.
For example, when you select the storage permission option while generating an APK in our new APK production wizard, you grant the permission that “Users can upload or download PDF, images, and document contents within my app.” During the Google Play Store app review process, your app will be evaluated based on this technical criterion.
Below, you can find the definitions and explanations of Dynamic Permissions that are available in the new APK and AAB production engine, as requested by Google Play Store.
Location Permission:
- Map Module – Show My Location Feature
If your application uses the ‘Map’ module, you must activate the ‘Location’ permission.
- Website Content – Features Related to Location
If your application contains website redirects and the website requires maps or location permissions, you must activate the ‘Location’ permission.
Storage Permission:
- Chat Profile Picture, Website Content Storage, Notepad Module, Form Module, PDF Module, Image Gallery Module
If your app includes the following functionalities:
- Uploading profile pictures linked to the chat feature,
- Uploading or downloading files related to the website module and content usage,
- Using the Notepad module,
- Uploading or downloading files and images through the Form module,
- Downloading files through the PDF module,
- Downloading images through the Image Gallery module,
You need to enable the ‘Storage’ permission.
Camera Permission:
- Website – Screen Recording, Video Streaming, Camera Access:
If your app includes the following features through the Website module, you should enable the ‘Camera’ permission:
- Screen recording functionality,
- Video streaming (live broadcasting) features,
- Access to the camera for any related purposes on the website module.
Enabling the camera permission will allow your app to access the device’s camera for these activities, in compliance with Google Play’s policy on dynamic permissions.
Microphone Permission:
- If your app includes the ‘Audio Recording’ feature through the Website module, and microphone access is required, you must enable the ‘Microphone’ permission.
This will ensure your app complies with Google Play’s dynamic permission requirements, allowing access to the device’s microphone for audio recording.