
In your mobile app, you can collect your content in the same group under a single module for easier access for your users. You can use the Submenu module for this process.

You can use the Submenu module if you do not want your old data to be lost, especially when you enter your blog posts, news content, or daily data.

You can see the Active Modules by clicking the Content tab on the left side of your control panel. You can further add a module to the content of your app with the Add to App button under the Submenu module.

On the screen you see,

Title: You can enter the name of the Submenu module that you added to appear in the app from this field.

Images: You can edit the background and main pictures of the module in the app from this area.

After completing the required fields from you, you can add the Submenu module to your app with the Save button on the top right.

You can see the Submenu module you created in the App Content area. Now you can add other modules you want to group and add them under the Submenu module you have created.

On the upper left side of the screen, you should change the phrase from Linked to Main Menu to Menu Screen Item and you can select the submenu screen that you want to add.

Clicking on the (+) sign next to the Submenu module on the App Content screen,

You can see the modules you have added under your Submenu module.

Furthermore, you can edit the order of your modules or delete them completely from your app by clicking the Settings icon.