In this article, we explained how you can make a recipe application and publish it on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. By reviewing this article, you can prepare your recipe application in minutes.
Sample Application Review!
You can view the recipe application example made with Mobiroller by clicking the button below.

How To Do?
You can get support from multiple modules while making your application. If you want to automatically add recipes or food blog posts to your application with a website, you should do this with the RSS (News & Announcement) module. Thus, all content added to the website will be automatically updated in the application.
Forย RSS moduleย usage, see here.
If you want to add recipes with their own screen designs, you should use the Custom (html) Screen module. You can create screens that you can fully customize. You can also add these recipes to your application in certain categories. You can use the Submenu module to create a category.
For Submenu moduleย usage, see here.
Apart from that, you can also add Notebook, Contact, About us and Settings module to your application. You can reach more people by offering different features to your users.
See here for detailed use of modules.
Publish Your Application in Store
Hereย you can see how you can share your application on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
To ask a question or to prepare a mobile application, you can make a request to us via the request meeting button below.
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