Publishing Guide-2 ๐Ÿ‘‰ Individual Developer Accounts Opened After November 13, 2023

After developing your Android application with Mobiroller, you need to create a Google Play Developer Account in order to upload it to the Google Play Store. If you don’t have a Google Play Developer account, you can check out our article “How to Create a Google Play Developer Account?” to create one immediately.

This publication guide is prepared for all Corporate Developer Account holders and Individual Accounts created before November 13, 2023.

Here are the steps you need to follow to upload your app to the Google Play Store:

STEP 1: Log in to the Google Play Developer Console.

STEP 2: Click on the “Create Application” button to access the new app creation screen.

How to Publish an App on Google Play Store with a Corporate Developer Account?

STEP 3: On the app creation screen, fill in the required information completely:

  • App name: Enter the name of your app that will appear on Google Play Store here.
  • Default language: Enter the default language of your app here.
  • App or game: Choose the app option from this section.
  • Free or paid: You can choose whether your app will be free or paid here. If your app includes paid subscriptions like monthly/yearly, you should select the free option here. This question asks whether a fee will be charged to download the app.

In the declarations section, check the boxes to agree to the two items and click the Create App button.

STEP 4: The control panel page will open. Click on the View Tasks button under the “View tasks” section.

STEP 5: You need to fill in all the items in the opened window with the appropriate information. First, click on the “Set Privacy Policy” button.

STEP 6: On the opened page, paste the link to your privacy policy in the area marked as 1 in the image below. The privacy policy you add must be in an online format that can be accessed by users and cannot be modified by them.

If you have a privacy policy page created for your app, you can provide the link to that page here. If you do not have such a page, you can access the Mobiroller Privacy Policy here, which can be used for your Google Play publication.

After adding the agreement, first click the Save button to save it, and then return to the Control Panel.

Step 7: In the next step, click on the “App Access” item.

Step 8: On the “App Access” page, what matters is whether your app has a membership feature. In this step, if your app has a membership feature, we will define a test account, and the Google Play team will test the app using this account.

  • If your app does not have a membership feature, check the option “All functionality in my app is available without any access restrictions” and save it.
  • If your app has a membership feature, check the option “All or some functionality inmy app restricted” and follow the instructions below.


If you do not use the Mobiroller membership site in your application, but there is a membership feature in the web content you have added; test login information is needed for that web content. If the application is a Webview application and there is a membership feature on the website, you must add the test login information for that website here.

Before clicking the “Add Instructions” button, we need to create a test user for Google Play from your application management panel.

Log in to the Mobiroller application management panel. In the left menu, click App Login/Register -> Member Management.

Click the Add Member button on the opened page.

On the “Add Member” screen, fill in the email, password, and first and last name information. If there are other profile elements in your application, you must fill in those as well.

After adding the test user, click the “Add Instructions” button in your Google Play Console account. On the opened page:

  • Instruction Name (1): Here, you can give a name for the login information, such as “Test Account” or “Google Play Account.”
  • Username and Password (2): Enter the username (email) and password that you created using the Mobiroller panel.

After entering this information, check the box that says “There is no additional information required to access my application” and click the “Add” button. After adding the instructions, click the “Save” button and return to the control panel.

STEP-9: Click on the Adsย option. In the opened screen, if your app has ads, select “Yes,” otherwise select “No.” Afterward, click the Save button and return to the control panel.

STEP-10: Click on the Content Rating option.

Click on the “Start questionnaire” button on the content rating page.

Fill in the Email address and Category fields under the Category section and click the Next button.

On the opened page, you will be asked some questions about your application. You need to answer these questions and first click the Save button. After that, click the Next button that will be activated.

STEP-11: Click on the “Target Audience” section.

Select the target age group for your application. After making the selection, click on the Next button, which will be activated, and save on the next screen.

Step 12: Click on the News Apps button.

In the opened screen, determine whether your app is a news app. If your app is not a news app, select “No” and click the Save button.

If your app is a news app, select “Yes” and specify your news source in the opened box in detail, then click the Save button.

STEP-13: You should fill out the data safety form by reviewing our article “How to Fill Out the Data Security Form?” in detail.

Pay special attention to the steps mentioned in the article, as incorrect completion of the data security form is one of the most common reasons for rejections recently.

STEP-14: After filling out the data security form, you need to complete the other information.

  • Government Apps: Specify whether your app is a government institution app or not, and save.
  • Finance Features: If there is a finance feature in the app, add it. If not, select the “No feature” option and save.
  • Health: If there is a health feature in the app, add it. If not, select the “No feature” option and save.

STEP-15: Make sure all the items we have previously completed are checked off.

Then, click on the “Select an app category and provide contact details” button.

On the Store Settings page, click the Edit button next to the App Category title and select a category and tag for your app.

Then, under the Store Entry Contact Information section, click the Edit button and enter your email address. The other fields such as Phone number and Website are not mandatory.

After entering all the information, click save.

STEP-16: Click the “Set up your store listing” button.

In this screen, we will enter the information for your app that will appear on the Google Play Store.

  • App name: Enter the name you want your app to appear with on Google Play Store.
  • Short description: Add a short description of your app.
  • Full description: Enter the description text for your app. You should explain the functions of your app and how it benefits users. Otherwise, your appโ€™s description may be deemed insufficient or not reflective of the app, which may lead to rejection.

Under the Graphics section, we need to add the visual information.

  • App icon: This is the logo that will appear for your app on Google Play Store. The logo you upload should be 512×512 pixels in size and can be in PNG or JPEG format.
  • Feature graphic: Your feature graphic should be 1,024 x 500 pixels in size and a PNG or JPEG file no larger than 15 MB.

You can add your app screenshots that will appear on Google Play Store from the Phone section.

We recommend adding at least 4 screenshots. The screenshots should have a width between 320 and 3,840 pixels, with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 9:16, and a maximum size of 8 MB per PNG or JPEG file. The suggested image size is 1242×2208 pixels.

After completing the screenshots, click the Save button located at the bottom right corner.

STEP-17: You must complete all the steps up until this point. At this stage, you will see the logo and name of your application on the control panel page.

After this step, we will need to upload the production files of the application. However, at least 20 test users must test the application for 14 days, and the app must remain installed on their phones.

Click on the “Closed Testing” button in the left menu of the control panel.

STEP-18: To create a closed testing channel, click the “Manage track” button. If you want, you can create a new track.

STEP-19: Before creating a version in the closed test channel, click on the “Select Country” button on the screen.

You can either select all countries or choose specific countries as per your preference.

STEP-20: After completing the country selection, click on the “Select Testers” button.

STEP-21: You must create an email list and add at least 12 test users. The owners of the email addresses you add here will be able to download your app as a test user via Google Play.

In the “Feedback URL” or email address section, you should specify how test users will send feedback to you. You can create a Google Form and place it here.

After completing all these steps, click on the Save button.

STEP-22: After adding your test users, click on the Create a New Release button on the Closed Test screen.

STEP-23: On the production version screen, click on the Change Signing Key button.

STEP-24: In the window that opens, click on the Change app signing key button.

STEP-25: On the page that opens, select the “Export and upload a key from the Java keystore” option.

After selecting, click on the following buttons in order:

  • Download the encryption public key
  • Download the PEPK tool
  • Download the source code

Download the necessary files and use them to create the signing file for your application.

To create your signing key file, upload the files you downloaded and submit a signing key request. Once your request is submitted, the signing key file will be sent to you via email within 1 business day.

Create a Signing Key Request ๐Ÿ‘‰

STEP-26: Once the signing key file has been sent to you, download it to your computer.

On the screen, click the “Upload Generated ZIP” option and upload the signing key file you downloaded to your computer.

ADIM-27: After uploading the signing key file, you will see a message on the screen saying “Versions signed by Google Play.”

From this point onward, generate a new ABB file for your application via the Mobiroller panel and click the Upload button to upload the ABB file you created.

For detailed instructions on how to generate ABB/APK files, refer to our guide: How to Generate ABB and APK Files?

STEP-28: After adding your ABB file, you will see the .abb file on the screen. Then click the Next button.

STEP-29: When you submit your app for production for your test users, it is generally approved on the same day.

Afterward, as shown in the visual, you can track how many days have passed since the 12 test users installed the app. After 14 days, the Apply for production button will become active.

When you click the Apply for production button, the Google Play team will ask you some questions. The questions are as follows:

  • Where did you find the users who participated in your closed test? For example, did you ask your friends and family, or did you use a paid test provider?
  • How easy was it to find test users for your app?
  • What kind of interaction did you receive from test users during your closed test?
  • Summarize the feedback you received from test users. Also, mention how you collected the feedback.
  • Who is the target audience for your app?
  • Explain how your app provides value to users.
  • How many downloads do you expect your app to have in its first year?
  • Based on what you learned from the closed test, what changes did you make to your app?
  • How did you decide that your app is ready for production?

You should answer these questions and complete your submission for publication.

STEP-30: Once you complete your submission, you will see the message “We have received your production access request.” After this step, you will need to wait for the results of the publication review.

If the publication is negatively reviewed, you will need to conduct another 14-day test process and reapply for production.

By completing all these steps, you can submit your app for publication. For any support, you can take a screenshot of the relevant page and send your support request to