
You can show your workplace, branches, event, or any place on the map and provide directions to users by using the Map module.

You can see the Active Modules by clicking the Content tab on the left side of your control panel. You can further add the module to the content of your mobile app with the Add to App button under the Map module.

On the screen you see,

Title: You can enter the name of the Map module that you added, which will appear in the app from this field.

Show user location: When users who download and install your app open the map screen, you need to activate it if you want to show their places on the map.

Map type: You can choose the type of map you will add to your app here.

Diameter to be displayed: You can set how many meters of the diameter of the point you selected on the map will be shown on the map.

Location: It will appear in the map module in your app with the location you selected in this section centered.

Flags: You can mark multiple different places on the map and show those points with a flag. You can also get directions to these flags from your current location. When you enter the Flags section,

On the screen you see,

Title: You can enter the title of the flag that will appear on the map here.

Subtitle: You can enter detailed information about the flag on the map from this area.

Location: You can place the flag you will create from this section.

After completing these fields requested from you, you can add the Map module to your Android / iOS app with the Save button on the top right.

You can see the Map module you have added from the App Content field.