Standard Content

If you want to show a 300×150 pixel screen with a picture and a short description in your mobile app, you can select this module. It is especially ideal for informational or promotional purposes.

You can see the Active Modules by clicking the Content tab on the left side of your control panel. You can add modules to the content of your app with the Add to App button under the Standard Content module.

On the screen you see,

Title: You can enter the name of the Standard Content module you added from this field which will appear in the app,.

Content Text: You can enter the content of the module you have added from this field.

Images: You can edit the background and main pictures of the module in the app from this area.

After completing the required fields from you, you can add the Standard Content module to your Android / iOS app with the Save button at the top right.

You can see the Standard Content module you added from the App Content field.

Örnek Kullanım;

screenshot_2016-11-04-14-04-57 screenshot_2016-11-04-14-05-15

When you want to make a screen with such pictures and texts, you can use the Standard Content module.